Oily Hair

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Fatty Hair

Currently we can find in the pharmacy shampoo, serum or hair balm that are specific to combat fat and different types of dermatitis.

Buy Oily Hair Shampoo at GT Pharmacy

Capillary balms help control excessive flaking and eliminate itching from first use.

A minimum of two or three times a week should be applied to achieve results, with a light circular massage that activates blood supply and then rinses with plenty of warm or cold water.

Among shampoos you can find products whose main components are herbs or hot springs, which especially help fight hair and scalp fat, regulating sebaceous secretion.

Try to avoid products that may irritate the skin and those that contain any oily components so that they don't cause you more fat.

In anti-fat products you should look for components such as the burdana and Fucus Vesiculosus, which help not to eliminate, but to regulate fat secretion,without causing the rebound effect and the appearance of dandruff.

Specific anti-fat shampoos should be used a minimum of three times a week, applying to damp hair and massaging afterwards. They should be left on for two to three minutes, and then rinse the hair with plenty of warm water.

It is also interesting to use products containing royal jelly, as this component regulates excessive sweating of the scalp and excess fat in the hair.

Consider these tips when buying an anti-fat product, but above all consider the advice of your pharmacist, he will know which product will do you better, depending on your hair type.

Oily hair solution in your pharmacy

Remember that if your hair is oily, to keep it healthy you should wash it frequently but not daily.

Be careful with conditioners,if you can avoid them, and if you want to use them to untangle your hair, apply them only to the bottom half of your hair, never at the root.

Don't brush your hair too much, because brushing it will stimulate the sebaceous glands.

Try not to touch your hair,as our hands contain grease and dirt.

Try to rinse your hair with warm or cold water to give it more shine.

Avoid lying with wet hair or getting a ponytail when it's not dry yet.