Hand cream

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Hand cream

Whether you work with your hands or not, time passes for all of us, but you're still in time to keep them well cared for with a restorative cream. Not only do drier hands need good hydration, numerous external agents such as sudden temperature variations, sun or continuous contact with chemicals cause our hands to be damaged and age quickly.

Cracked hand cream at your OnLine Pharmacy

If your hands have become rough or rough,or are dry, even with flakings and cracks indicate that they are under-hydrated and need special care. This care is not only achieved with restorative creams, but you have to take special care with components such as detergent when washing dishes and the cold of winter. For these cases it is advisable to wear gloves. No more to say if you work with your hands, whatever kind of work it is, there are a multitude of creams available for any type of exposure.

Age is an important factor, and, like any part of the body, hands also age,so there are special formulas to alleviate the signs of aging.

Types of concentrated hand cream

Dry and cracked hands: when we notice our hands a little dry the most indicated are the fluids,since they are fast coupling and do not leave your hands greasy. The most ideal hand cream in these cases is the cream Weleda yellow hawthorn hands or Avéne coldcream cream

Very dry hands: the most indicated in these cases is to choose hand creams that contain oils such as yoyoba and sweet almonds, since they are oils that penetrate a lot into the skin to achieve greater hydration. A good choice may be Avéne cicalfatecream.

Very damaged hands: for this type of hands the best choice is to use shea butter. It is a very thick and dense cream, but it will give your hands a much-needed hydration. The most suitable for these extreme cases are Lipikard Xerand and Caudalie hand cream and nails.

To allow the hand cream to penetrate the skin properly, it is best to apply it with a massage until it has been completely absorbed.

There is no established pattern to determine how often they have to be thrown out, it will depend on how you see your hands. A good tip to keep your hands well hydrated is to apply the cream at night, before bedtime, and then put on some fine cotton gloves, will make the restorative cream appreciate much better.

Filorga already knows this secret and has its specific hand filler product.